Welcome to the Kannabis Kafe. Our site is filled with very real science, truth, fact and logic in regards to the cannabis plant. With much of the worlds prohibition on the cannabis plant, the real story, the real truth, the real facts and the real logic about cannabis has been thoroughly distorted for the last 70+ years. Thanks to the internet making cannabis studies and information easily available, the walls of prohibition are crumbling all over the globe. Our goal here at KannabisKafe.com is to continue to push the truth out to the general population. Cannabis is the most healthy and usable plant on the face of the planet. Everything from food to textiles to medicine to social recreation use, cannabis has not only been used for thousands of year by cultures all over the world, it also has proven itself to be the most versatile plant with a perfect track record of safety. This site is still currently under construction and we will be releasing a grand debut date very soon.

Hemp & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Order our instant classic Hemp & Chocolate Chip Cookies. These cookies have been perfected in our kitchen and taste so freaking good you will not believe they are the healthiest cookies in the world. Perfected by Hemp Princess Celina Morley. ORDER NOW! $3.00 for two cookies.